
Keyword research shortcut

02/26/2023 12:00 AM by Paul Frost in Seo

In this post, we want to share an example for determining keyword competitiveness that's easy to do with you. Like any good search engine optimization expert, our strategies for reviewing and optimizing websites constantly change and improve. However, the same fundamentals still apply. Here is another method to quickly determine the competitiveness of a specific keyword. We call it a 'snapshot' view of your competition. 
This method asks you to do a Google search for your keyword phrase and view the search result listings from the viewpoint of Universal Search and Authority. In the following example, the keyword phrase analyzed is "things to do in Lima, Peru." Our goal is to look at the results to decide the type of listings, such as websites, answer boxes, videos, images, press releases, etc., and the authority of each site. It gives us a much sounder understanding of how we could appear in search results. So often, we think in fundamental ways that limit ourselves.